Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the combination of algorithms proposed with the purpose of creating machines that have the same capabilities as humans. A technology that is still distant and mysterious to us, but that for a few years has been present in our daily lives at all hours.


    Computer science experts Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig differentiate several types of artificial intelligence: 

# Systems that think like humans They automate activities such as decision making, problem solving, and learning. An example is artificial neural networks.

# Systems that act like humans These are computers that perform tasks in a similar way to how people do. It is the case of robots. 

# Systems that think rationally Try to emulate the rational logical thinking of humans, that is, investigate how to make machines perceive, reason and act accordingly. Systems experts fall into this group.

# Systems that work rationally Ideally, they are those that rationally try to imitate human behavior, such as intelligent agents.


    We will live with interactive chatbots that can suggest products, restaurants, hotels, services, shows, based on our search history. 


     Smart technologies can help banks detect fraud, predict market patterns and advise their customers on transactions. 


    Lets you know if a student is about to cancel their registration, suggest new courses or create personalized offers to optimize learning. 


    It makes it possible to make sales forecasts and choose the right product to recommend to the customer. Companies like Amazon use robots to identify whether or not a book will be successful, even before it's released.


    Fleets of drones capable of planting a billion trees a year to combat deforestation, unmanned underwater vehicles to detect leaks in oil pipelines, smart buildings designed to reduce energy consumption, etc.


    Specific platforms that, through predictive analysis, improve agricultural yields and warn of adverse environmental impacts.


    It will be useful when it comes to avoiding collisions or traffic jams and also to optimize traffic. Tesla has developed a system through which, when one of its cars travels a route for the first time, it shares the information with the rest. 


    There are already chatbots that ask us about our symptoms to make a diagnosis. The data collection generates patterns that help identify genetic factors susceptible to developing a disease.
